Our history
Fruit of 35 years of research focused on the "reunification of Western and Eastern medicines" the TERRE DE COULEUR Laboratory was born from the patient study of the mechanisms and foundations of the creation of Life.
At the heart of certain traditional societies, whether Western or Native American, treatments were meticulously prepared using ingredients from nature.
A real “synergy of ingredients” then took place. Whether through extractions, cremations or macerations of plants, these techniques of amazing precision and simplicity still stimulate our thoughts today.
Thanks to scientific research, we now know that beyond "simple" care, these ointments and other remedies reflected a real "formulation intelligence". The subtlety of the mixtures, the relevance of the marriage of certain ingredients were also guided by the basic principle of harmlessness : primo non nocere: first, do no harm.
Our meeting, 22 years ago, with beauty and hair professionals, was rich and revealing: they expressed to us the need to have formulas that are healthy, safe and effective, but also depolluting and detoxifying the scalp and hair. It appeared an urgent priority to eliminate the harmful chemical residues of oxydation-based haircolors, the toxins coming either from an unbalanced diet, or from emotional shocks which generate oxidative over-stress. Whatever the cause, these toxins are responsible for hair loss, micro-inflammation, irritation, dehydration of the scalp or, on the contrary, disruption of the sweat or sebaceous glands making the hair heavy or greasy.
Our formulations, adaptogens to the skin – and to the scalp, purify the scalp and the hair bulb, and restore the cellular exchanges necessary for healthy and harmonious hair growth.
The hair bulb, true receptacle of the movements of our physiological and emotional life, is the privileged place of the health and the beauty of the hair.
The hair and the hair bulb accumulate toxins as a result of the oxidation of cells by pollution, chemicals such as oxidation dyes, etc.
The more the presence of toxins in the scalp, the more it is subject to cellular disorder causing dandruff, hair loss, psoriasis, itching, etc.
Heavy metals are “invited” to develop in organic tissues by a process of toxination
Terre de Couleur Professional Detoxifying Masks purify and detoxify the hair and the hair bulb.
Cleansed and detoxified, the hair bulb becomes receptive to cellular exchanges and recovers its health.
Hair Bulb in suffocation,
lacking oxygenDetoxified Hair Bulb, Oxygen regained
After 3 applications of the White Rhythm Mask, the bulb full of toxins is cleansed. The oxygenation of the bulb increases significantly
The study of rhythms, their origin and their influences on living organisms has been carried out by several researchers such as Hartmut Spiess or Hubert Reeves. They have shown that respecting rhythms has an influence on the health of plants, animals... and of course, humans.
Our skin is the “interface” between the outside and our inside. It regulates these exchanges and the natural rhythms work to balance them. The hair bulb is also an essential element that offers us benchmarks on several levels: cell regeneration - mineral and metalloid deficiencies - the presence of toxins and polluants - tone and strength. Each person has a different growth rate, a different hairline, a different skull shape, a reaction to their own emotions. The hair bulb is the "root" of the hair. Connected to the nervous system and sharing information with the conductor "the hypothalamus", the bulb also contains stem cells, valuable for formatting the life of other cells.
As a general rule, the life of the hair bulb is slowed down by external pollution, the impact of the climate which can be hot, humid or cold-humid, too frequent washing, harmful coloring etc., but also internal pollution due to food, medicines of all kinds, etc.
**The Terre de Couleur Professional formulations are based on the knowledge of these rhythms and on the study of our interactions with the elements of nature that surround us: this knowledge is Rhythmobiology.
**Our treatment concept developed according to the principles of Rhythmobiology allows a very precise personalization of care, which can thus be adapted to the needs of each individual. To each problem a specific response, for each moment a specific treatment. Through the hair bulb and the skin, we can balance the cycles of our organism. Our treatments, which act on the hair and the skin, provide a unique well-being, the result of a rediscovered harmony of our body with the rhythms of Life.
Preserving and developing the health capital of each individual is a priority and non-negotiable objective in the formulation of Terre de Couleur cosmetics.
Terre de Couleur formulas help in the care of people undergoing chemotherapy.
The Plant-Based Treatments and Colors of the Terre de Couleur Professionnel range are used by more than 50 hair care centers that work in conjunction with several hospitals in France.The Range is also used by professionals trained in Socio-coiffure